Archive Monthly Archives: December 2017

Happy Holidays!

There are two more weeks until Christmas. “Yey”, some might say.

Don`t get me wrong, I love celebrations, but most of all I celebrate life!

I look around me and everyone is under pressure, looking for the perfect gift, (some end up buying any gift), so the receiver is happy to get something on Christmas morning.

I understand the value of giving, I am crazy about it, but I feel like Christmas (and all the other holidays) went through a big metamorphosis over the years and, instead of being about Christmas spirit; being cheerful, helpful, thinking of other people that are in need, being nice and kind to everyone … it`s all about presents which, are cheaply made, useless and are getting more expensive every year!

I already made a deal with my loved ones, saying that I don`t only celebrate all known holidays but I am celebrating every single day that I am alive!

I don`t need to wait for a celebration to buy gifts, I do it all year round because they are always received with emotion and happiness (they are actually received better when they appear out of the blue 😉 ).

And something else that bothers me: what stops us being kind, helpful and merry every day? Is there a law that says we have to be that way only around Christmas?

I used to enjoy winter holidays when I was a kid. Maybe I didn`t get the biggest and most expensive gifts but I was happy to see the decorations my mum made out of oranges, bananas and grapefruit under the tree, to feel the smell of baked sweets all over the house, to see my parents getting excited while expecting guests, to hear the laughter and music all evening and see the snowflakes dancing in the air then silently falling on my balcony.

I was blessed with a wonderful childhood and the nicest celebrations of Christmas and I know a lot of people whom are like me, who are reliving those times … We cannot bring them back, not yet anyway, (the time machine is in the making 😉 ) but, we can recreate them in our homes.

I would like to finish this article in a positive manner so, I wish your hearts and minds be filled with love and understanding. I wish you`ll only meet wonderful people like yourselves, I wish you mental and physical health, I wish you`ll be surrounded by joy and wealth and, be struck by luck every time you`ll need it the most!

May you all be blessed!

Happy Hogmanay!