People vs. People
People ask me if there`s a magic formula to help them obtain everything they want from other people.
Wicca has lots and lots of rituals, but the first rule is : An it harm none, do what ye will! (that includes affecting another being`s free will!).
No matter how many ingredients you use in a ritual, the most important of all is Faith that everything you are asking for is going to happen exactly the way you need.
If you want something from a person, the easiest way is to treat that person as the little god of his universe, because THAT`s what he is, even if he doesn`t know it or believe it.
This “treatment”should come from you naturally, don`t try to force it, it`s not working that way! Keep in mind: the person in front of you has a soul too, and he would know, unconsciously, that you don`t believe your own words.
Anytime I need something (information, advice, etc.) I go to the most qualified person in the room, having a kind and respectful tone of voice and a big smile on my face, and, most of the time, I see the person`s face getting brighter, her look getting warmer towards me, even her posture changes.
It`s true, there are a handful of exceptions, but those people fought a lot of wars with unfair and ironic colleagues, reason enough to avoid being friendly with anyone else, by hiding behind an angry or glumly face (even if their hearts are warm).
It`s not impossible to get the info you need from them; all I am saying is that it will take a bit of work from you, but believe me, it`s worth it! There is nothing more satisfying in the world than seeing a person transforming in front of your eyes, by your doing!
Any being deserves the best and the most beautiful things, and if you are the one that offers them to her, one way or another, you`ll feel your day was not wasted in vain; you DID something good (on top of getting the info you needed)!
It is tough work, I know. It`s easier to ignore or yell some bad words, but if we are the kind of beings that want to live on a higher level than the material one, we don`t need to choose the easy way out (those are for common people) but we can accept a challenge.
Winning a “battle” like this brings you a kind of satisfaction that cannot be compared to anything in the world. Is our soul contentment, has little to do with our big Egos.
I don`t want to hear “I didn`t study psychology to know people”.
It`s common sense, not a psychology treaty. It doesn`t matter your field of study, your professional training, your job, your profession – we are all natural born psychologists.
We know how to treat the people in our life, but sometimes we don`t “walk a mile in their shoes”, and that`s when misunderstandings happen. We have to analyze a problem from all points of view, to really have a grasp on what a person needs to hear from us.
And, please, don`t say : ”Who`s gonna do the same for me?”
As long as you aren`t willing to act like a real human being just to see a smile on that person`s face, you can`t expect to be treated the same.
When you do a good deed, think you just helped yourself!
We don`t have to forget one thing: we, The People, are going in the same direction! Isn`t it easier to do it together?!
Since we started with magic, will finish with another rule, even if it`s universal, not necessarily a Wiccan one:
“Ever mind the rule of three,
What ye send out comes back to thee!“