We – The Humans

The moment our creators put into play our physical world, they filled it with everything they had inside them: beauty, love, pleasure, joy, peace, humor, and other things related.

When we came here to take charge of the place, we were like them: full of life and positivity.

Something, no one knows what, changed inside us and, at full speed but balanced, apeared the counterparts of those things. Our creators thought that would be a great challenge for us, so they trusted our judgement in doing, thinking and acting the way we feel. That`s what we are still doing, most of us without even being aware of it.

I wrote these ideas for us to show that our celestial parents didn`t create us to prove themselves to be capable, powerful or smart (they don`t have Egos), to punish us for God knows which sins we are guilty of, without even knowing them (they don`t have reasons to be vengeful, since their hearts are filled only with love) or any other petty reasons. Their only wish was for us, their “naked” kids (souls), to get dressed in any “clothing” (bodies) we choose, so we can experiment as many worldly feelings as we want, so we can evolve.

I don`t know to what ending yet, but I am still searching and I will keep you informed 😉 .

I don`t want to create a new religion or a new belief system, there are so many of those; all I am trying to do is to find as many people as I can that share my wish of living life to a higher level, who want to wake up from this nasty dream of “go to work, go shopping, take the kids from school, come home and cook, wash clothes, watch TV, go to sleep” and so on,  and  wish to start really living this wonderful gift named “today”, or, to better quote Bil Keane: “Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.

If you got here and you like it, I invite you to travel with me, no matter where this road is taking us.

Don`t be afraid, life is fascinating and I am sure it`s going to surprise us with lots of lessons that would help us learn more about us and the world around us.

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Lica - March 4, 2016

Da sunt de acord,Hai sa calatorim inpreuna…..spre ce? Invatama sa traesc azi!!

    Johanna - March 6, 2016

    E vorba de o calatorie interioara, dragalasule 🙂 .

Letitia - March 4, 2016

Very good!congratulations! Letitia

    Johanna - March 5, 2016

    Thank you, dear! You are very sweet!

Alex - March 8, 2016

Felicitari si spor la scris in continuare .
De la oameni pentru oameni !

Johanna - March 8, 2016

Multumesc frumos, dragalasule! Succes si tie, pe noul drum profesional }{ .

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